Monday, November 28, 2011

People Watching

I've been told about a thousand people walk through my cafe's doors every day, boys and girls.

And thus, I get to do a lot of people watching.  Which inevitably morphs into outfit watching.  And I don't know what it is, but stripes have been (re?)cropping up all over the place!

For the past ten days (ahem, excuse the hiatus please, ahem, ahem) I was in Montreal for a weekend visit (lovely!), and then house-and-dog-sitting for a friend's parents.  Their place is much closer to work and had netflix (I finally saw Community so everyone can calm down now) which was a bonus, but it did not have internet which was a serious minus.

And it did not have my whole wardrobe, which made this heart's longing for stripes ever fonder.  So this outfit here is the first thing I wanted to wear when I got home.  The shirt I bought in direct homage to Orchid Grey when I was in England (when I started reading style blogs, she was my first true love!), the scarf I made myself, and the hair is what you do when you've been sport side-swept bangs in a very hot workplace for too long!

Striped Shirt - H&M
Black Shirt (underneath) - Thrifted
Jeggings - H&M
Flats - Forever21
Scarf - Handmade
Rings - Adorit Boutique and H&M

So!  Tomorrow is my birthday boys and girls!  To celebrate (at least for today), I'mma try and land me a red striped shirt on my walk to work. . . . 

Never get paid, boys and girls.  It makes a monster out of you.

Happy people watching!


Your friend Lina

Friday, November 18, 2011

In the Quiet Solitude of Peaceful Studies

At least, I think that's what it says outside of the humanities library at McGill, boys and girls.

I have to admit I've been missing school these past few days.  Firstly, I had a friend ask me some questions about a seminar I took last year that he is now in.  Secondly, I'm starting to get my act together for grad school applications again.  Even though I like the free time and wages of a full-time job, I miss the structure that school gives.

And the subject matter!  I've been aching for history all over the place.  If nothing else this will be getting my butt in gear for applications!  I love my job, but I don't want to be doing it forever.  I wanna be doing history forever!

So, to trivialize all these complicated emotions and longings and dreams and goals, I've put together a library outfit ;)  Something comfy, something warm (my fingers would turn blue at the McGill library, we think they kept it cold so that people wouldn't fall asleep), and something a little bit collegial.

Sweater - Forever 21
Shirt - Forever 21
Jeggings - H&M
Boots - Chinese Laundry
Scarf - My Favourite and a Gift from my Brother
Rings - Adorit Boutique and H&M 

In the meanwhile, I'm devouring Sum: Forty Tales From the Afterlives by David Eagleman.  Each tale of the afterlife is about a page long of a quirky, endearing, and telling imagining of what might be waiting for us when we die.  Some of them have the traditional Christian God, Heaven, or Hell, but in others it turns out we return to our true form of cosmic giants who's job is to keep the universe from collapsing.  Or that we were complicated machines invented by a dim race in order to discover why we exist.  I would highly highly recommend it!

I first heard about it on CBC's Wiretap podcast, where every once in a while the narrator will read one of the tales.  It took a little bit of searching and waiting on a list for me to get my hands on this one, so the podcast can tide you over!

Oops, I'm going to be late for work if I don't finish up quick!  I'm off to Montreal for the weekend (what up, three days off?), so I'll catch y'all on the other side!


Your friend Lina

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


As promised, here's my day off/running around/still spending the evening at work outfit, boys and girls!

I realise this is pretty much the same outfit as this one.  But why mess with what's good right?  And at least you can't fault me for being honest.  I've found a formula, and it works.

Plus, a dish can become a totally a different thing with a few different spices added, so why not an outfit?  Speaking of which, the water is boiling. . .

Coat - Forever 21
Scarf - Homemade!
Tights - Stolen from my mom
Socks - old old old
Boots - Chinese Laundry
Dress - Forever 21
Belt - Forever 21
Neclace - Aldo
Cameo Ring - Adorit Boutique
Stick Ring - H&M

That's right, boys and girls, I made that cowl scarf myself.  From the first yarn, needles, and pattern book I ever got from my bestest friend in high school.  (I have made many other things, I just recently pulled one of them apart in order to re-use the yarn.)  Yesterday I also grabbed a bunch of new yarn and needles in order to tackle some Christmas gifts that have been requested of me.  So less blogging more knitting is I think called for!

Have a beautiful Wednesday!


Your friend Lina

Monday, November 14, 2011

Over the Weekend

Hello again boys and girls!

So, I may or may not have taken over a week off blogging. . . sorry about that!  I really wanted to keep on track this time around, but sometimes I get in the way of myself.  Last week I worked straight for six days, which ended up being more tiring than I expected.  Most days I didn't really want to wake up hours before my shift in order to be blogland productive when I could just watch reruns of Never Mind the Buzzcocks in bed. . .

All this to say, I'm back with a vengeance boys and girls!  Mostly powered by my awesome weekend.  Friday night I was working and starting to feel a cold coming on, but against my better judgment I went out dancing to Grillz and Glam night at Babylon (ie Hip Hop and Glam Rock, together at last!).  I had a mega-good time, but then had to spend the following morning recovering.  I subsequently spent my shift nursing my throat with ginger-lemongrass tea and promptly going to bed as soon as it was over.  Sunday I went to church with my folks (which I haven't done in a good long time, but we had a house-guest who was doing a presentation so it was best to play the good hostess) and then spent the afternoon enjoying Ottawa.  I first went to Wabi sabi, the west end's only yarn store to the best of my knowledge, and ran into an old friend there.  We had an excellent time catching up over deciding on yarn for Christmas projects, and she sent me the pattern for an awesome herringbone circle scarf.  I really look forward to tackling it after I finish the scarf for my sister!

I then met up with Zoe and we did a bit of Rideau/Market meandering and shopping.  I wasn't expecting to snag much cause the only thing I'm really looking for feverishly right now is a pair of good quality moccasins (but seeing as I want them just for around the house, I'm trying to keep it under the $100 they're looking to cost).  However, I did snag a few little trinkets and treats that I've been after for a good long time.  I can't wait incorporate all these puppies into my regular wardrobe!

Cause a Canadian girl can never have too many toques!

I've lost my heretofore favourite locket necklace, so here's hoping this will fill the void!

I know I already have a key necklace, but I'm much more inclined to wear gold/brass than silver, so this is ok, right?

I have been jonesing for a cameo ring for SO LONG and this one is perfect! And made in Quebec City to boot!

Made by the same people, how could the Victorian historian in me say no to this penny farthing necklace?

And matching bicycle bracelet? This baby was only $10! Alright, no more shopping till after Christmas. . . 
Toque - Forever 21
Locket and Key Necklaces - Aldo
Cameo Ring, Penny Farthing Necklace, and Bicycle Bracelet - Adorit Boutique

Aside from all this lovely swag, I also nabbed a cute little dress that I will debut tomorrow, boys and girls.  I've got a day off which I will be spending helping a friend with a project, looking for more yarn, running some errands, helping my mom pick out new glasses, and getting some things organized for grad school applications.  So I've got to be expertly dressed and accessorized for that, right?

Hope your weekend was equally stellar!


Your friend Lina

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thinking Outside

Momentous occasion boys and girls!

Yesterday the blog actually did what I wanted it to do - make me wear something I usually wouldn't.  I mean, I still stuck with all black, a unabeshedly anglophilic blazer, and fur, but I have never worn a collared shirt underneath a regular shirt before.

And I really like it!  So I'll do it again.

Oh, but blast.  Then it won't be out of the box again.  I guess things are just going to have to get a little crazy all up in here then.

Blazer - Forever 21
Fur - Found in the basement
White Shirt - Hand-me-down from a friend
Black Shirt - Forever 21
Skirt - American Apparel
Tights - American Apparel
Belt - Forever 21
Shoes - Forever 21 

Enjoy this gloriously bright fall day, boys and girls!  I'm working today, but tomorrow I'm hitting up a Christmas craft fair with an old friend and her family, and then spending the afternoon and evening with my bestest lady returned from New York!

Pip pip,

Your friend Lina

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Indoor Recess

Oooh, it's a gross one out today boys and girls!

I've got the afternoon off in what feels like the first time since forever!  Since it's gross out I don't think I'll be venturing out to self-shoot today.  Instead, it'll be indoor recess for me with a chai fog, ham and gruyere croissant, knitting, and some British panel show or other.

Fog: half done, Croissant: done, Scarf: barely started
Hope you can be cozy today too!


Your friend Lina

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

With a Bow in Her Hair

Another little work outfit rendered for daily life, boys and girls!

Again, I'll be switching out the shirt and shoes, but the bow's gunna stay!  I wear my hair like this a lot - it's perfect for making dirty hair look more presentable.  It also does double-duty of being super cute and being functional.  After eight hours of slinging lattes and sorting compost (glamorous job, that's what I've got!), a scarf tied in such a way is a handy device for keeping your way-too-long bangs out of things.

Function-wise, it works even better with a cotton bandana, but I'll happily use a bobby pin or two to keep this number in place.  It's print is of famous French Chateaus with gold chain running through the little vignettes and flags.  It's been one of my favourites since I snatched it up this summer.

I threw in the mittens and scarf because I just know this glorious, crisp, bright blue weather isn't going to last long.  So to warm up something like this, those, plus maybe an extra pair of tights and a coat and I'd be snug as a bug in a rug!

Shirt - Forever 21
Skirt - Forever 21
Tights - Joe Fresh
Shoes - New Look in England
Necklace - H&M
Scarf - Thrifted
Mittens - Milk Shop
Scarf - Hand Knit

Have a happy fall afternoon, boys and girls!


Your friend Lina

In Our Town of Halloween

As you well know, I'm nuts for tradition boys and girls.

And Halloween is no exception.  When I was a kid, I would get Halloween nightmares in the same way that people get exam nightmares - it was the day of and I didn't have a costume yet.  I've calmed down somewhat since then, but there are still a few traditions that I hold close to my heart.

The main one is pumpkin carving with my dad.  I would pick out and design the pumpkin, and he would do the actual work of pulling out the guts and carving in the face.  Even when I went away to university, I would design something in MSPaint and email it to my parents.  That tradition fell a little to the wayside when I went away to England and after, but now it's back with full force boys and girls!

This year we left it pretty late (my dad said he had to fight off other ladies to get the final pumpkin at the grocery store - and it had started to rot on one side).  I had been browsing blogs and Martha Stewart and sites like that to get inspiration and/or stencils, and even though there were a few that looked super awesome (think spooky cameos etched rather than cut in or a double-sided pumpkin that projected up onto the wall), we went with something relatively simple for time's sake.  I found a simple picture of an evilly grinning Jack Skellington, simplified it even more, and then let the spoons and knives fly! Simple!  And spooky. . . . 

Stencil on, guts out

Love it already!

Delicious reward for all that hard work

Gentlemen, prepare to operate

Taking shape

'Cause I JACK, The Pumpkin King

Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
I worked the night of Halloween unfortunately, so I didn't get to see any of the munchkins in my neighbourhood, nor did I get to cut a rug of my own.  Too bad!  But that's the joy of a yearly tradition. . . just a few more months and we get to do it all again!

Happy Belated Halloween,

Your friend Lina